i missed my shot to write this list in the actual week of thanksgiving, but then i realized that that shouldn't matter. that one week of the year shouldn't be the only time people should be thankful for the things they have in their lives. so regardless of my terrible lack of timing, I'm thankful all the same for...
+ my health
+ my friends
+ my family
+ the ones i love who i would do anything for - flaws and all
+ the ones who love and care about me - flaws and all
+ my munchkins/chickenbutts/babycakes/dumdums/fatties - chio + basil + puppy
+ my home - where i know i'm always welcome if i need it
+ my home away from home
+ my family away from home
+ my job - no matter how frustrating it can get sometimes
+ my therapy - ultimate
+ my teammates
+ my elders - who are always there to offer help, support and guidance if i should need it
+ my curiosity
+ my desire to travel - to see and experience new things
+ my strength - when everything seems to be going south
+ my independence
+ my passion - for giving me some kind of direction when i start to feel lost
+ my crazy - without which my life would be ridiculously boring
+ my love of animals - animals that hardly ever fail to make me feel better when i need it most
+ my hobbies/interests - for when i need a break from my day-to-day life
+ my stubbornness - to have gotten me through many obstacles and picked me up when i've just hit the wall and fallen down
+ my life - shit may spontaneously decide to hit the fan all at once. i may feel like i can't handle the obstacles being hurled my way on a daily basis. it may seem utterly overwhelming for seemingly unending periods of time. but it's still my life. everything i'm thankful for has made it mine and mine alone. i'm still thankful to have had all of my experiences, good and bad, and to have had them help shape who i am today - someone i've grown to love and appreciate - flaws and all. i'm far from perfect, but at least i'm me.
thank you.