Friday, February 17, 2012

www wednesday #2: the shambles.

i haven't posted in awhile. but my brain, as proven by today's attempts to be productive, is in shambles. so here goes another www wednesday post.

if you're not familiar with the www concept, here's the gist: answer three simple questions.

+ what are you currently reading?
received through another book trade with my sister, i figured this would be a good read as a semi-follow up from reading prep by curtis sittenfeld awhile back. going to an all-girls high school, i'm curious to see if i can relate at all to the characters and goings on in this story based on four women attending smith college in northampton, mass. can't say i'm too far into it, but it's definitely got its moments of entertainment through sullivan's depiction of certain all-girls school, stereotypical characters: the all-american belle, the rebel, and the preppy girl, which i'll honestly say aren't that far off from the truth, at least in my experience. 

+ what did you recently finish reading?
so asian! i've always liked reading memoir-type novels. but this one i definitely held off on just because of the horror stories i heard about it from people who had to study it in school. going off of that tenth grade critique, it apparently was boring, false and poorly written. i will admit its not the best book i've read to date, but its certainly not the worst. i still found the story interesting, since i am into that kinda thing. the overlapping storylines were at times a little difficult to follow, to the point where i had to keep flipping back and forth to make sure i was thinking of the right character each time. but if taken as a collection of mini stories that ultimately coincide into one bigger picture, it's quite entertaining and educational about certain chinese cultural aspects. one pet peeve i've discovered: i really dislike the author's use of pseudo-pinyin to write in chinese but words are spelled wrong. i then feel the need to sit there and figure out what she's actually trying to say, instead of thinking about what's actually going on in that part of (one of) the storyline(s).

+ what do you think you'll read next?
not going to lie, i was just in a barnes and noble looking for a new read, while almost all of my books sit in storage until we find a new place to live (after i find a job). scrolling down my goodreads list, i picked out a few that i was in the mood for at the moment, and then went and found each of those selections to take a closer look and make a final purchase decision. it came down to the wind-up bird chronicle and the glass castle by jeannette walls. i figured i had already read several book recently that were similar to walls' story. not to mention, it was another memoir. so i went for the one that was different. we'll see how that goes.

"books!" - troy and abed, nbc's community.

Friday, February 3, 2012

shipped back up to boston.

so on february 1st, aaron and i emptied out the apartment, stuffed what was left into the car, and took off on another journey: back to boston.

after two days of driving approximately ten hours each (day and person), we're back in beantown. we stopped briefly in pittsburgh, for the sake of having somewhere to rest up and crash, and to see some friends, attend our respectively practices as creepy alums and give puppy a break from the stress of sitting in her cage crammed into the backseat of an 03 camry.

tobyfair, she actually took to the drive a lot better this time (the last time being the pittsburgh-madison drive), and this one was twice as long. she's now sitting in my room adjusting to a) being out of the car, b) being in a different place altogether and c) hardwood floors. let's just say her first time taking a leap out of the cage and onto the floor was somewhat comical, in a sprawling, scrambling fashion. she has figured out that the hallway outside is carpeted though, and that she can use my suitcase to gain enough traction to jump up onto the bed, where she can quite easily wander around as she pleases (as long as nibbling on random things she finds is kept to a minimum).

considering this was my first time driving long distance, it wasn't too bad. i took my fair share of approximately half the hours, and i don't think i did too bad (except for one minor incident when the cruise control went creepy weird on me and temporarily wouldn't go off).

some photos from along the way:
sad, empty apartment once again...
rd leaving wilson bay apartments for the last time...
rd in pittsburgh with the cathedral of learning! 
for old times with the money mellons, rd at a sheetz.

puppybutt taking a nap in the backseat.
on another note, being sick seems to have waited until i got back to boston to appear. i'm now somewhat sniffly and sneezy. gross. though i will admit that i'm glad i didn't have to deal with this while driving. that would've made things significantly worse. 

future plans
+ superbowl sunday at brayden's new place out in worcester!
+ continue writing more urbdezine articles.
+ successfully find a job.
+ find a new apartment.
+ move into said apartment.
+ finally adopt my adorable graduation puppy.
+ finally live the life i had been hoping for post graduating from college with an unfortunately-specific, though professional degree.
+ be happy.
+ call up them madison friends and have them come out for a visit (clambake!).

sounds reasonable, right? :)